Your Faro Way

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The Faro Convention strategy game to learn how to preserve and enhance cultural heritage!

Synopsis de Your Faro Way

Training to value cultural heritage

This strategy game aims to raise awareness among all heritage stakeholders about its preservation and enhancement, in accordance with the Faro Convention principles.

Through three realistic scenarios, discover these principles and their application, become aware of the possibilities of using heritage and carry out these projects. Learn to involve all actors in order to preserve our cultural heritage together!


  • Discovery of the principles and applications of the Faro Convention
  • Hands-on experiences of heritage enhancement through concrete scenarios
  • Motivation of all actors, civil society and public authorities, to get involved in the preservation of cultural heritage
  • Highlighting the sustainability and many uses of heritage sites
  • Multiple scenarios with increasing difficulty

Learning objectives

Within the framework of the Faro Convention, the Council of Europe wanted to engage all stakeholders (heritage management actors, public authorities but also civil society) in the safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage. Indeed, the ability to involve all stakeholders, and in particular citizens, is a key principle of the Convention.

Heritage conservation is a complex subject that requires, beyond multiple technical skills, precise knowledge of the various contexts specific to each type of heritage. Faced with this diversity, the experts in charge of preservation may find themselves in difficulty, even though their decision is crucial for the safeguarding of our heritage.

These subjects, which are difficult to address, required an innovative tool capable of raising awareness and promoting the principles of the Convention. The serious game Your Faro Way responds to these challenges by presenting the principles of the Convention and allowing the player to apply them through concrete and realistic cases.

Aimed at all those involved in asset management, the serious game Your Faro Way includes 3 phases:

– the discovery of the different projects and the possibilities of valorization via different options within each axis: rehabilitation to housing, transformation into a tourist site or even public use,
– arbitration between the different options offered,
– the discovery of the consequences of choices that player made.

The player will meet different actors, from the architect to the mayor, through a lawyer or an artist, who will allow him to discover all the possibilities of reuse available to him. He will have to assess the relevance of their proposals taking into account their respective approaches and make choices to develop his project.

The quality of the project is then assessed using 4 key performance indicators (KPI):
– participation (level of involvement and collaboration of the actors)
– inclusion (representation of different groups and inclusion of different perspectives)
– quality (increased quality of life and promotion of human rights)
– sustainability (responsible use of heritage and economic sustainability of the project)

Two tools complement this strategy game: a fun interactive quiz to test your knowledge on the Faro convention and an interactive map of the network of the Convention in Europe presenting projects inspired by its principles.

  • Illustration serious game Your Faro Way

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