Ludicius Interactive’s team gathers the skills to create serious games that meet your needs.

Our history

The adventure of Ludicius Interactive began back in 2002. At the time Laurent Auneau, a young student, passionate about IT and its ability to innovate, launched the first company dedicated to serious games in Europe.

Focused on innovation and the continuous search for solutions in response to its clients’ new challenges, it quickly and sustainably becomes one of the main French players in the serious game sector.

Laurent Auneau has surrounded himself with enthusiasts, at the forefront of their areas of expertise, and all fully attentive to the clients’ needs. Their objectives are always achieved, even exceeded, thanks to the team’s solid experience and perfect mastery of the methodologies and technologies of the sector.

With more than 150 serious games designed and developed since it was created, Ludicius Interactive now boasts the most comprehensive and rich catalogue on the market.


A firm believer in the educational potential of video games, I took great pleasure in optimizing this support to respond in an innovative way to the training and evaluation needs of organizations. The result was quite mind boggling and I consequently decided to adapt the power of this tool to new challenges, and by doing so create more engaging and effective alternatives to traditional raising awareness and promotional campaigns. My goal has always been to steer our clients towards success, by providing them with the most user-friendly methods possible!

Laurent Auneau President Fondateur Succubus Interactive 1
Founding President

Our values

L'excellence est une des valeurs portée par Ludicius Interactive


Cultivate Excellence daily

Passionate about our areas of expertise, we combine our talents and know-how, in both technical and aesthetic terms, to design the best possible serious games to meet our clients’ specific needs.

Renowned for the quality of their graphics, the accuracy of their scenarios in accordance with the objectives set and their associated technical performance, Ludicius Interactive’s serious games are regularly rewarded and have received numerous prizes.

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Innovation is in our DNA

In a process of continuous improvement, our R&D department has developed a unique and innovative technical ecosystem.

Driven by a dynamic of collective intelligence and limitless creativity, we follow the evolving requirements of our clients in order to provide them with the best possible solution, even if that means creating a solution from scratch.

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Nothing beats a satisfied client!

Very attentive to our clients’ needs, we are committed to identifying, understanding, and meeting their requirements. We mobilize our team’s skills and expertise to enrich their projects and exceed their objectives.

We have developed a comprehensive and proven support process throughout the project, based on design thinking and the agile method that allows optimal collaboration and flawless responsiveness.

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Performance is measured by the added value of our serious games

We master the tools that optimize engagement and the transmission of serious messages that allow us to provide the user with an effective and unforgettable immersion. We capitalize on our technologies and our feedback to maximize the performance and ROI of our serious games, guaranteeing the best possible experience. We frequently exceed our clients’ initial expectations by proposing relevant and effective improvements.

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Work hard, play hard!

As with the notion of “serious” + “game”, we are a tasty blend of seriousness and humour! Thanks to a strong team spirit and a transversal organization, we collaborate every day in a warm and friendly atmosphere which is reflected in our work and allows our talents to shine through.

Very committed, we pride ourselves in respecting the balance between professional and private life, as well as equality between men and women, which allows each one of us to flourish.

The Team

The Ludicius Interactive team is made up of about 20 key collaborators spread over 4 strategic areas in Paris and Nantes:

Graphic team

“I like to draw, I like my desk, I like my colleagues, but what I like best is the coffeemaker.”

Jennifer Retailleau

2D/3D Graphic Designer

icon jenni

“Do not breathe the compote, it makes you cough!”

Yan Jouan

Lead Artist

icon yan

“The deadline is my source of inspiration.”

Jordan Noyer

3D Graphic Designer

icon jordan

“How can you trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders? The man can’t even trust his own pants.”

Vincent Fernandez Sanchez

Senior Game Artist/2D Animator

icon vincent

Design Team

“Hello and welcome to my LinkedIn page…What? It’s not here?”

Youna Petton

Game Designer

icon youna

“Learn, learn… and learn!”

Angelo Marco Luccini

Learner Experience Designer/European Project Manager

icon marco

“Qué bueno, qué rico, qué lindo, Paris Latino ♫”

Jorge Gómez Carmona

UX Designer

icon jorge

Tech Team

“If you are working with a jackhammer during an earthquake, get out of sync, otherwise you are working for nothing.”

Gildas Pierre


icon gildas

“Finds problems to solutions.”

Gino Urli


icon gino

“The difference between theory and practice is, in theory, somewhat smaller than in practice.”

Gregory Leblond


icon greg

“Rien ne sert de cruncher, il faut coder à point-virgule.”

Yann Colaisseau


icon yann

“Computers are good at following instructions, but not at reading your mind.”

Lucas Froger


icon lucas 1

Support Team

“No, sorry, making a baby in one month by dividing the work between 9 women is impossible …”

Laurent Auneau

Founding President

icon laurent

“Being a project manager is easy, it’s like riding a bike ! Except the bike is on fire, you’re on fire, everything is on fire 🙃”

Adrien Minaire

Project Manager

icon adrien

“Executive Assistant because Miracle Worker isn’t a job title”

Jennifer Walsh

Executive Assistant

icon jen

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”

Clément Godet

Customer Relationship Manager

icone clement

“Play and become serious!” (Aristotle said so 😉 )

Claire Rousseau

Marketing Manager

icon claire

Contact us